Choose your pork
Go whole hog wild! Bring home the bacon AND the ham! Fill your freezer full of ALL your Eden Ridge pork favorites!
Not enough freezer space? Don’t get hog-tied! Buying a half hog; may just be your side of ribs!
Reserve your Pork and Save
- Decide on purchasing a whole or half hog
- Reserve your hog option, by paying deposit
(Deposits are applied towards your meat purchase
and are non-refundable.) - Half hog deposit – $200
- Whole hog deposit – $400
- Once you lock your hog option in with deposit,
**download the online form. - Upon receiving your meat contract – please fill
out your meat cut option form and return. - Hogs are priced at $4.25 lbs. for whole, or
$4.50 lbs. for halves (hanging weight). (Not counting locker and processing fees.) - Once locker informs us of your hanging weight,
we will send an invoice, with the remaining amount due. - Remaining payment is due in full, 1 week before pick-up date.
- Pick up your order at the farm, on your set date.
- Next Pork Batch Available: 2025 Desposits – COMING SOON!
About Our Woodland Heritage Hogs
Our happy, healthy hogs thrive on our farm’s dense nutrient wooded areas, happily munching on wild walnuts and acorns and foraging for delectable grub. We raise heritage Berkshire, known for their delicious meat.
Our hogs root, roam, play, and forage on grass and garden/orchard produce, they love apples, pumpkins & no-spray Christmas trees! They prefer to lift logs and root for their food, but we also supplement their wild foraging with a specially formulated gmo-free feed ground and mixed specifically for our farm.
These highly intelligent and social animals thrive on foraging, playing and exploring.
We take great pride in offering our hogs a good life and the opportunity to fully express their natural and care-free “pigness.”
Hogs raised in “wild” wooded areas produce a smooth fat on the meat that melts in your mouth. The dark red meat is full of flavor that just can’t be beat. Time and time again, our farm families try our pork, and they keep coming back for more!
Naturally Raised Pork
What you eat does affect your health today, tomorrow and ten years from now!
Healthy hogs have no need for antibiotics or growth hormones. Our hogs are provided with nutritious complete diets and the freedom to roam to keep them healthy and strong. If we ever have a sick animal we’d start with holistic measures. So far, our hogs have been extremely healthy, and we believe their diets have a lot to do with it.
save more, by purchasing your woodland heritage pork in bulk.
For family, for health, for the future of
regenerative farming.
Buying in bulk, rather than buying individual cuts,
not only saves you money,
but it also cuts on animal waste.
Buying meat in bulk, fills your freezer
for a longer period of time, leaving one less
thing for you to worry about.

We raise our hog on our farm until they reach
the age of processing.
On average, 7 months old,
weighing approximately 250-300 pounds.
Our hogs are taken to a local USDA certified
and inspected processor.
When your meat is ready,
you can pick up it up, right from our farm!